With our love of heading away for the Easter break whether it’s camping, visiting friends or a quick family holiday before the weather cools off, we urge all our clients to check their home and contents insurance policies in the lead up to Easter. This way you will ensure you are protected if your property is burgled while you are away over the holiday period.

Around the house
Always a prime time for thieves, take measures to minimise risk to your home and contents with these quick tips!

  • Mark your tech devices with your driver’s license and state so stolen items have a chance of being returned to you
  • Hide your car keys so your car is not easily stolen
  • Avoid posting travel details on social media
  • Remove objects around your home that could assist thieves
  • Ask a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on your place give them your details and spare keys
  • Remember simply to lock up all your doors, windows, sheds and doggy doors
  • Set automatic timing devices for lights, TV and/ or radio

On the road
If you’re hitting the road here’s some road tripping safety advice to remember when passing trucks on our roads.

  • Don’t cut in: Trucks are heavier than cars, so need more space when stopping. For example, at 100km/hr a truck needs an extra 30m to come to a stop compared to a car travelling at the same speed
  • Give trucks room to turn: Some trucks need extra room at corners, intersections and roundabouts. Trucks over 7.5m must carry a sign saying “Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle”. This means the truck can legally use two lanes to make their turn, and may need to turn left across your path to turn left
  • Be aware of blind spots: Remember – if you can’t see the driver’s mirrors, he/she can’t see you
  • Overtake with care: It takes about 25 seconds to overtake a large truck on the open road – a long time if you’re on the wrong side of the road. Make sure you have the time and clear visibility

Enjoy your Easter break!