Will the insurer check all the details of my application for car insurance? If not I might be able to hide the fact that I have had three accidents, all my fault, in the last year.
In fact the insurer may not check the accuracy of the information you give, but it may mean that when you make a claim it will be refused. In other words, there is every possibility that the information will be checked at the time you make a claim, and therefore a serious possibility that payment will be legally rejected.
My car insurance application asks whether I have any traffic offences in the last five years. Surely they are not interested in my speeding fine last year?
Traffic offences are a key consideration for insurance companies and you should declare all your traffic offences regardless of how innocuous they might be. If you do not declare them it may give grounds to an insurance company to decline a claim.
When should I buy travel insurance?
You should purchase travel insurance as soon as you pay your deposit and book your holiday. The Australian government recommends that all overseas travellers have travel insurance.
What is an excess?
An excess is the amount which you have to pay in the event that you make a claim on your policy. It is a way of accepting a small portion of the risk yourself. Not every type of policy has the same excess and they can apply in different situations with some policies possibly having more than one applicable excess.
Are all insurance policies the same?
Unfortunately insurance is not as simple as purely comparing the sum insured and the premium, as the true value of your insurance is often found within the policy wording. With over 120 insurance companies licensed to do business in Australia it can be a confusing environment. Add to this the complexity that insurance policies can not only vary greatly between different insurers but the same insurer can also offer multiple versions of the same policy. Insurance policies are legal documents between yourself and the insurer so it is critical that care is taken when selecting your policy. The Insurance Council of Australia is still reporting that many people are risking underinsurance or insufficient cover because they are selecting their policy based on price rather than the coverage they really need. We have access to policy wordings that are not commonly available to the general public meaning that we can have additional benefits available to you, sometimes at no extra cost.
What is Steadfast?
Brokers in the Network have access to over 160 products and services which support their business and allow them to focus on their clients’ insurance and risk management needs. Key benefits to being a Steadfast Network broker include improved policy wordings, broker services, exclusive access to Steadfast’s technology and triage support for challenging claims.
Insurer partners have access to over $6.1 billion of gross written premium from the small-to-medium enterprise market through the Steadfast Network.
Do you deal with all insurance companies?
Insurer partners have access to over $6.1 billion of gross written premium from the small-to-medium enterprise market through the Steadfast Network.
What are Recovery Rights/Hold Harmless/Waiver of Subrogation
agreements.) If you have entered, or consider entering, such an agreement, please let us know, so that we can advise you about how the agreement affects, or will affect, your cover.
Insurer partners have access to over $6.1 billion of gross written premium from the small-to-medium enterprise market through the Steadfast Network.
What area do you service clients in?
We service clients throughout Australia.
Why is my home sum insured higher than the advertised building prices for homes.
I haven’t checked the replacement value of the property in some years, but my friend says the insurance company automatically increases the replacement value each year? Is that right?
Does the house contents policy provide new for old cover?
What if my circumstances change during the policy period?
o Change your profession or occupation;
o Mergers or acquisitions;
o New products or services;
If you are in doubt as to whether the Insurer should be told about any particular change to the insured risk, please contact us.
Why should I tell my insurance company about something that has happened to me in the last twelve months, even if it increases their risk, if they do not ask it on the policy?
o that diminishes the risk to be undertaken by the Insurer
o that is common knowledge
o that your Insurer knows or, in the ordinary course of business, ought to know
o as to which the compliance with your duty is waived by the Insurer.
If you fail to comply with your duty of disclosure, the Insurer may be entitled to reduce the liability under the Contract in respect of a claim or may cancel the Contract. If your non-disclosure is fraudulent, the Insurer may also have the option of avoiding the Contract from its beginning.
Safeguard Insurance Brokers Adelaide
Providing insurance advice since 1978
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Plympton, SA 5038